Becoming an Effective and Respected Leader

By Debbie Ruston

Updated Over a Week Ago

Minute Read

As we discussed in a recent article, there is a massive difference between leaders and managers.  Managers are often promoted into leadership positions because they excelled at their previous roles.

However, this may not give them the experience needed to be effective and respected leaders. So how can they learn to be one?

Here are three mistakes new leaders usually make:

1. Letting Power Go to Their Heads

It is not uncommon for a new manager to let their ego take over and take on the attitude they can sit back now and direct people.  Something many forget is what got them there – their results.  Strong leader will use their experience and also keep themselves in the game by continued involvement in their staff’s challenges and growth.

This helps staff members learn and grow, gain respect for the manager, and also helps the manager “keep their saw sharp,” as they also will continue to learn and grow to be able to keep up with what’s happening in their field.

2. Not Taking an Interest In Their Team

A  simple ‘good morning’ or ‘how was your holiday?’, will go a long way and help employees feel valued.  Managers who think they are too superior to be able to be kind and friendly to their staff will eliminate any chance of respect from them. There is no place for ego in leadership.

3. They Stop Walking the Walk

A sales manager that sits back and thinks he doesn’t have to sell tends to believe he is just there to crack the whip. If your employees see you out still making client contact and making the sale, this will give you far more credibility and respect.

Recognize that you have a lot you can teach. Employees that see you in the game will want to learn from you.

Here are nine effective practices that will take you from a manager to a respected leader:

1. Sit Down With Your Staff

Give them tips and work with them to help them live up to their potential. Be willing to teach what you know that brought you to this point, and don’t be threatened by helping others succeed.

2. Congratulate Employees

Let them know they’ve done a good job, and praise them when you see them making an extra effort and when they are succeeding in their goals.

3. Be Open to Suggestions

Some of the best suggestions come from an employee that is in the trenches and has an idea for improvement.

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4. Be Committed to Your Personal Growth and Development

Employees will respect and admire a manager that is continuing to learn and improve themselves.

5. Lead By Example

Be willing to do what you expect of others. There have been many successful CEOs who have “picked up a broom and swept up a mess.”

6. Communicate With Your Staff

Communication is essential. Let your team know what is going well and what needs to be improved. This also goes back to being open to suggestions – listening to your team is part of effective communication.

7. Give Employees Responsibilities

It’s amazing how people step up to the plate when someone is putting their faith in them and counting on them.

8. Let Your Team Make Judgment Calls

Rules are important, but there are exceptions to every rule, and in order to develop strong leaders in your organization, they should be able to feel confident in making a judgment call.  This will also build client loyalty when employees go the extra mile for them.

9. Help Others Become Leaders

A true leader wants to help develop others, and another person’s success does not threaten them.

It’s been said that leaders are born, not made. Although some may be born with natural leadership abilities, leadership can definitely be learned by those committed to developing and educating themselves.

How Can You Become an Effective and Respected Leader?

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About the author

Debbie Ruston

Debbie has been a successful entrepreneur and trainer since 1986, and has spent her career helping people discover and overcome their limitations. She works with individuals, businesses and the educational sector to develop the mindset of an entrepreneurial leader. She believes in taking an active stand for true human potential. Debbie also authors articles for several publications, and hosts a weekly podcast. You can connect with her on social media or by email: [email protected]

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