How to Boost Accuracy and Productivity for Your Projects

By Nikunj Dudhat

Updated Over a Week Ago

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There isn’t a perfect way to achieve the best results. So what if successful people suggest many methods at work, and none of them seem to work for you?

Maybe you need a few simple tricks that can help you keep up with lacking productivity in your projects.

You can probably never have enough hours in a day to make your work go seamlessly and smoothly. So the only thing you can do is make the best of what you’ve got and chalk out an ideal plan.

Let’s go through these seven points that can make your life better at the workplace:

1. Categorization

Categorization or compartmentalizing makes visibility easy. It is important that when any new project begins or for an existing project, you compartmentalize all the activities.

Have a system that works for you, categorize them, and use multiple-colored notes and tags to help you separate every factor of your project

2. Avoid Sitting Meetings

Meetings are considered to be the biggest time-wasters. If you have a sitting meeting, it is not going to encompass fifteen minutes. Normally, this consumes a major part of your productive work, and thereby, you end up working under pressure and staying up late or missing timelines.

Stand-ups are, however, considered the best option.

Here, you and your team quickly have a discussion regarding the work at hand and what needs to be picked first.

3. Tracking Time

Time tracking is an essential factor, and you can track time using project management software.

Most of the people who are really good at managing their work are the ones who are keeping an eagle-eye on the way time is spent on every task and raising the flag when the timelines threaten to cross the cut-off point.

Time tracking should be maintained at all costs, and whenever there is a lag – it should be brought to notice.

4. The “Two-minute” Rule

As believed by Steve Olenski, a task that can be done in a matter of two minutes should be done immediately. These are the ones that keep lagging and get left out and eventually pile up.

Ensure that you are easily getting rid of jobs like sending notes, one-liner update emails, confirmations, and notifications without putting them on a to-do list.

5. The To-Do list:

The To-Do list is a life-saver for most people who are looking at managing their work and getting things done and dusted.

Make sure that the To-Do list is updated and that you indeed take things off them rather than keeping a list that just keeps getting piled up. The To-Do list is undoubtedly important. But maintaining that an appropriate implementation is equally important.

6. Multi-Tasking Can Kill Work

If anyone has given guidance that multitaskers are the best because of their ability to accomplish a lot in less, at times, it is equally hazardous.

Often in huge and new projects, in an effort to do a lot of things, you end up messing up certain projects.

The mind might not work as fast as your hands on your keyboard or at the pace of others’ speed. Don’t beat yourself up – go one step at a time.

7. Take a Break

An obvious thing that is always suggested is that an appropriate break must be taken at all times. It is essential that you don’t stretch yourself to a certain level past and know your mind and body weaknesses.

Take a two-minute break after every 45 minutes of continuous and non-stop work. It helps the mind to be at ease and lose all work clutter and think fresh.

How Can You Boost Your Projects?

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About the author

Nikunj Dudhat

A Digital Marketing and content curator at SoftwareSuggest, a software recommendation platform. He is passionate about Digital Marketing, and all things digital. Also interested in technology and innovation. In spare time, he enjoys playing cricket, and Badminton.

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