Imagine there is a process for managers to solve impossible workplace conflicts. Not just any conflicts – but nasty, deeply rooted, and long-term conflicts – the kind of conflicts that rob everybody in your workplace of time and emotional energy. Now imagine this process taking less than an hour. I have facilitated this process seven times

Impossible Workplace Conflicts Solved – In About an Hour

I’ve had the opportunity to work with several leaders on having candid conversations and their overall leadership skills. One of the trends that I have noticed is there’s a tendency for leaders to put off having crucial conversations with people that are critical to organizational success. Examples include: If you are experiencing some of these

How To Easily Have Candid Conversations

One-on-one meetings are a great way to get personal with your employees or clients. They provide an opportunity for open communication and feedback. One study found that one-on-one meetings have increased by over 500% since before the pandemic. Furthermore, 85% of millennials value professional development and growth in a job, with one-on-one meetings offering the

10 Tips For the Best One-On-One Meetings

Whether you are an established professional or a fresh graduate looking for your first internship, the resume you submit will make or break your presentation. HR managers and interviewers often take less than 30 seconds to decide whether or not to invite you to an actual interview, meaning that your resume should be impeccable. According

Words to Use in a Resume to Highlight Your Leadership

Do you get goosebumps when it’s your turn to present? A nifty leader needs to be awesome at giving a presentation. A speaker’s fifteen-minute speech shouldn’t leave the audience asleep. It is unlikely that you will be given another chance. These five steps below will help you become an eloquent speaker: 1. Know Your Audience A month ago,

Five Presentation Skills: How to Be Awesome

Online teaching is considered an alternative form of education. Online education and online learning systems have become extremely popular due to their convenience and flexibility. Online education has been existing for a long time. And the coronavirus pandemic only accelerated its development and increased the number of online teaching courses, materials, and software for online

How To Achieve Success In Online Teaching

Communicating effectively when interacting with customers, people at work, and family members, you want to communicate with them in the style of communication language they process and understand. But how are you supposed to know which communication approach to use to improve your results? In How to Get People to Understand Your Message, we reviewed the

Communicating Effectively to Groups

Excellent team communication and collaboration are the ultimate aims of every company. With remote work flourishing, we face more challenges, as we are not sharing the offices with our teammates. Effective interaction between the employees and different departments is more critical than ever before. Establishing and nurturing cross-functional collaboration is a perfect way to foster

The Benefits of Cross-Team Communication

Using effective communication skills when working on a remote team is a challenge for many employees and employers. Communication is one key element of business, and with people working from remote locations, communication can be critical. If you want your team to work cohesively, you need to ensure that everyone is communicating properly. 1. Setup

14 Effective Communication Skills For Remote Teams

You learn a lot from listening to leaders that are either business owners or entrepreneurs. Each one of them has an experience of their own, a unique perspective, and a set of qualities that put them in their position. However, all great managers and entrepreneurs have one thing in common: they are leaders. Without effective

10 Reasons Why We’re Listening to Leaders

The concept of active communication is not a new one, but there is more to good communication than just listening. What you say, how you say it, and why you say it is every bit as necessary, hence the broader concept of active communication. One of the biggest criticisms about youth today is their diminishing

Active Communication Tips For Success

Have you ever thought about presentation skills training? On average, people don’t pay as much attention to these skills as the general skills needed for their jobs. But 70% of employees agree that presentation skills are crucial for their career. No matter what your profession is, you might need to present your thoughts and ideas in

Presentation Skills Training in One day

 These writing tools are highly appreciated in today’s society because the written word has the power to influence people’s actions and beliefs. When people say something, it can often be attributed to emotions and rashness, and as such, people may not fairly evaluate the content. However, when something is written down, individuals tend to perceive

3 Writing Tools that Help Leaders

Build your brand profiles on social media to project the qualities of a positive, successful business leader. Doing so will help grow your career, confirm your professional qualities, show your values, and build better relationships with people from your company, your customers, and your industry. As a leader, how should you build your brand profiles

10 Tips to Build Your Brand on Social Media

Is there a simple key that will lead you to a promotion at work? Can it be that particular skill that can advance your career? Your writing could be that key. Writing skills are listed in numerous job descriptions as a requirement. Mastering this skill will distinguish you from the crowd of applicants and could lead you

How to Use Writing Skills to Get a Promotion

It usually takes no more than a few minutes to know when you’re in the presence of a strong leader. Strong leaders radiate an aura of confidence and respectability that helps them win hearts and draw listeners into their message. How does one command a room while maintaining a balance between authority and approachability? How

Leadership Presence: How to Connect Authentically as a Leader

Improving communication gets much results for you and your team through Improving communication. Boost productivity and improve everyone’s relationship not just in the workplace but their life in general.

Tips on Improving Communication at Work

It’s essential to understand that all leaders’ communication styles are not their personality; it’s simply the way they deliver and process messages. One of these four communication styles is your language. Can you spot it? The 4 Communication Styles Usually, only two out of ten people are fluent in all four communication styles. Most of us tend

4 Communication Styles All Leaders Use

Collaborative culture defines how people within an organization communicate, relate, and work with one another toward a common mission. In other words, it is the heart of teamwork that makes it successful. Cultivating a collaborative culture is essential to achieving company goals. When there is a positive collaborative culture, employees work in cohesion, learning from

5 Strategies for Creating a Collaborative Culture

Only the sky is the limit for business development, and organic growth is a demonstration of the strength and potential of a business. Organizations that achieve such growth are most resistant to crises and constant market changes. Organic growth implies the ability to develop new products, expand market segments, and enter the international arena. But

5 Proven Strategies to Drive Organic Growth

Communication skills are the key to success and a necessary aspect for business leaders to create an impact on clients. One needs to understand how great leaders can inspire, motivate, and encourage. To run a successful business, one needs to seize the opportunity and communicate well. Strategizing with your communication skills can develop fruitful connections.

9 Essential Communication Skills for Company Growth