5 Ways to Overcome Micromanagement

By David Freudenberg

Updated Over a Week Ago

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Office micromanagers work weekends and long hours, putting in the necessary time to complete their given tasks. They struggle to allow themselves to take vacations and don’t let anyone else approve anything on their behalf.

They are not great at delegating tasks because they believe that they’re the only ones that can do it and get it done right the first time.

To make sure they know the task has been done right the first time, they require others to CC them in all relevant messages. While office micromanagers are good at what they do, they are usually detrimental to your business and alienate other employees.

No matter how big or small the activity of your enterprise is, these micromanagers feel the need to control every part of it. According to reports and studies, there are two possible reasons why managers can turn into micromanagers:

  1. They are anxious or worried about not being connected to the processes of the lowest-ranked employees
  2. They have climbed the ranks to get where they are today and are unwilling to let go of their previous position

While those are the two main reasons, there is also another possible reason for the existence of micromanagers: due to insecurities, these associates feel they need to maintain a high level of control.

Why Micromanaging is Bad for Business

Micromanagers feel the need to take control of every aspect they are in charge of. They actively hinder growth and stifle the potential of their colleagues. By removing the ability for others to think and act for themselves, micromanagers have a negative impact on the confidence and morale of the team.

Talented individuals cannot thrive in this type of environment. As a result, they will either fail to reach their true potential or will leave the company.

Innovation is subdued because mistakes aren’t usually tolerated by micromanagers. Mistakes are how we as humans learn and grow. Additionally, while micromanagers are busy doing the job of everyone else, their responsibilities get placed on the back burner.

If you recognize yourself here, you are not alone. There is, at the very least, a small micromanager somewhere in all of us.

However, the good news is that there are several ways to break this habit:

1. Recognize the Problem

 You might be a micromanager and not even recognize the signs. Gathering information, can help determine if your actions are those of a micromanager. If you feel comfortable and have a good rapport with your team, ask them how they feel about your management style. If you are uncomfortable with this or feel like it would somehow undermine your leadership, you can ask other peers in your field.

Another excellent approach is to stop and think the next time you have an important project come up. During your approach to this project, you may realize that there is too much to do in the time frame that you have been given. Most people would recognize that the solution here is to delegate.

How does the thought of delegating make you feel? Does it make you feel anxious? Does it feel risky to do so? If so, you may be a micromanager.

Outlining actionable plans and referencing beneficial articles is a great way to ensure success for your team when delegating a project such as SEO marketing or sales management. For example, suppose you are focused on earning links to your real estate business website. In that case, it is vital to have a step-by-step process for doing so, including beneficial articles for your team along the way to ensure success.

2. Realize That You’re Not Alone

According to reports and surveys, most employees have stated that they have, at one point, worked with a micromanager. 59% state they worked for a micromanaging boss in their work career. Of those, 68% reported this style of management decreased their overall morale in the workplace.

Those numbers alone should be enough to motivate you to change your style of management.

3. Recognize Why Micromanaging is Harmful

Micromanaging is not a style of management that is consciously taken. No one thinks, “I’m going to stifle my employees by taking over their work and making sure they can’t think for themselves.” That said, recognizing if you’ve adopted this management style is an essential part of moving forward.

Even if it is not your intention, micromanaging shows your team that you do not have trust or faith in them. It is effectively taking away from the time you should be spending on thinking like a leader.

By not focusing on the bigger picture, setting the stage for future growth, and making sure your team has the necessary tools and skills to succeed, you are ultimately contributing to their downfall.

4. Rethink Your Role

By recognizing your need to be versatile and understanding what got you to where you are today is not what is going to keep you there, you can start to be more successful in your career.

In addition to developing your vision and strategy, your job now is to foster the growth of the individuals on your team. You need to create a strong team environment wherein you can supply your people with the tools they need to grow their skills.

Reward them for their effort. Create a culture where accomplishments are acknowledged and people are not afraid to ask for honest feedback on their work.

In the end, you will want to create an environment that people desire. Once you do this, the habit of micromanaging will go down because your team will be more productive and fulfilled.

5. Make Sure You’re Hiring the Right People for the Job

If you are having concerns about the ability of your people to perform the job they were hired for, it can be that much harder to let go of control. Hire thoughtfully.

Even if you don’t currently have a say in who is on your team, work to change that. In the end, micromanaging is a tough habit to break.

However, as soon as you can, you will be able to reap the rewards of a hard-working and skilled team that is continuously growing and learning, allowing you to become a great leader.

How Can You Overcome Micromanagement?

If you have ideas you feel like sharing that might be helpful to readers, share them in the comments section below. Thanks!

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David Freudenberg
David Freudenberg
David Freudenberg is an American businessman and the active CEO of two
companies: Seowithdavid, an SEO freelance link building agency, and Davidbuyshousesflorida, a real estate investing company. When he is not scaling and honing in on his companies, he enjoys spending his time with his friends and family on the beach or in a park.
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