Presentation Skills Training in One day

By Lale Byquist

Updated Over a Week Ago

Minute Read

Have you ever thought about presentation skills training?

On average, people don’t pay as much attention to these skills as the general skills needed for their jobs. But 70% of employees agree that presentation skills are crucial for their career.

No matter what your profession is, you might need to present your thoughts and ideas in front of your colleagues from time to time. If you know how to deliver a message the right way, you can achieve a lot in the long term.

Polishing your presentation skills can help you stand out from the crowd. As many people are pressed for time, enhancing presentation skills in one day would seem ideal.

1. Use Original Templates

Are you picky about the colors you choose for your presentation?

If not, you should learn more about the psychology of colors as you can influence your audience by choosing the right colors.

People don’t like boring templates. So make sure to use original pieces. The design app Canva offers a variety of templates that can help you create some attractive presentations, even if you’re not comfortable or confident with your design skills.

2. Edit and Proofread

A good presentation should have no mistakes or typos! Make sure to edit and proofread multiple times before you present.

There are some key points to remember:

  • Fix grammar and spelling mistakes (Grammarly is your biggest helper)
  • Reduce the number of words on every slide (up to 36 words is optimal)
  • Improve readability (use a simple font and make sure the font size is readable from a distance)
  • Use high-quality images (1000px or more), and make sure you have permission to use them. Pixabay and Pexels are great for free stock photos.

Spend time editing and refining your presentation, and it will give you a huge advantage.

3. Practice

Even if you’ve prepared the best presentation, it’s not enough to deliver your message the right way in order to engage an audience. You need to hone your presentation skills, and practicing is the best way to do it.

It would be wise to have notes to use while delivering a presentation. But if you practice a lot, it will help you memorize key points so you can present your information better.

Rehearse as many times as you can. Try to present it in front of your friends or relatives and practice in front of the mirror as well.

4. Look the Part

Believe it or not, your image plays an important role for the audience during the presentation delivery. You make the first impression with your look.

If you think that grooming is just about personal hygiene and appearance, you’re mistaken. It also requires looking after your body language, as non-verbal communication matters.

Prepare some formal/business clothes for delivering a presentation, and pay attention to your posture and gestures. Avoid using filler words like “uh” and “um”.

5. Take Your Time

The process of enhancing presentation skills takes a considerable amount of time, but these tricks will help you craft a better presentation within one day.

Don’t hesitate to make your presentation impress your audience.

How Can You Enhance Your Presentation Skills Training?

If you have ideas about presentation skills training that might be helpful to readers, share them in the comments section below. Thanks!

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About the author

Lale Byquist

Lale Byquist is a media communications student who wants to keep on improving her skills. She has crafted, a website where she shares tips on overcoming the fear of public speaking. Drop Lale a line at [email protected].

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