Spread Positive Vibes With Silent Language

By Melissa Calvert

Updated Over a Week Ago

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We know that leadership, positive vibes, and good communication go hand in hand. A good leader knows how to convince others and get their team members on the same page. They have great speaking skills which are admired by both their followers and opponents.

Leaders can easily influence others if they have a grip on their speaking. However, a leader can’t always lead just by speaking.

Great leaders spread their message with their actions too. These actions are the silent language that is not as loud as words but has a more significant impact.

Impact of Leaders’ Body Language

Body language has an important role to play in a leader’s life. People tend to follow you. Your gestures, expressions, postures, eye contact, and even personal space have a great impact on your role as a leader.

Let’s see how important your body language as a leader is:

  • You can create an impact in less than seven seconds with a pleasant smile, handshake, and a positive attitude.
  • People trust your actions, not your words. Building a trustworthy relationship depends on your verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Your communication with your hands plays a vital role. People are influenced by energetic hand movements during a conversation. Pointing fingers at the right time in the right direction is what directs people alongside you.
  • It’s often better to have in-person meetings when possible. Half of your conversation is hidden in your body language.

The Role of Positive Vibes and Motivation

Leaders often use both positive and negative motivation to create a sense of urgency and energy in their team. At times of crisis or urgency, negative motivation (fear) can work.

But you need to think about why this situation has arisen. This is because you haven’t leveraged positivity at all. Being positive and encouraging positivity keeps your employees motivated and boosts their energy for a long-term relationship.

If you want to build a team with problem-solving abilities, creative thinking, and a process-oriented approach, you need to spread love instead of fear.

Influence of Emotional Decisions

According to research conducted by Antonio Damasio, no decision on earth is completely full of logic. Somehow, it is influenced by emotion. Reasoning and logical explanations are often a way to justify emotional decisions. And when it comes to leading a team, I believe emotional decision impacts a lot.

A leader with anger or depression can cause their team to suffer. A happy leader with motivational gestures can lift their team up.

Decisions that are taken in with emotional attachments tend to encourage you to work on them. When emotions are connected with work, better results and more consistency is produced. A good leader encourages their team to work by heart.

Spread Positive Vibes

Decision-making abilities, standing by your decision, and encouraging the team to work on your decisions are the abilities of a good leader. These are all the things that help a leader to build a great team.

A great team is one that is impressed by its leader, so they can work under one hand.

Positive body language, constructive thought, and a motivating personality are good vibes for a leader in building a great team.

Apart from the qualities mentioned above, here are 7 tips that a leader can follow to build a great team:

1. Know Your Style of Working

Before you look at your team, analyze yourself for qualities and weaknesses as a leader. You need to think of how you can leverage your positive nature to boost your team’s morale and how to keep your weaknesses apart.

Think of your work style and how you want to be treated if you are working under a team lead. This will help you understand your team members.

2. Get to Know the Rest

When you have analyzed yourself properly, focus on your team members. Along with assigning some initial tasks, keep an eye on their nature. You should know how you can enhance their productivity.

Learn what the catalyst factor is for each employee so you can get the best out of them.

3. Define Roles and Responsibility

Since you know your members, assign different tasks to them.

You can experiment more if you want to encourage team members to learn new skills.

For example, your initial research about your team member says that he is capable of handling logistics. Soon, you realize that he can be handy with financial management and keeping lists.

This practice will boost your team member’s abilities and support you as you are educating them.

4. Take Consistent Feedback

You must have good conversations with your team regularly. You’ll be able to mark the progress and have an idea if something is not going smoothly.

Also, this will encourage your team members. Take their feedback and involve them in decision-making. You’ll be able to judge another leader if you are taking opinions from your team members.

5. Handle Each Member Differently

You are often asked to treat all members equally. However, this is not always the right approach as each member is different in their nature of work. Some can understand your point with your eye movement, and some need you to discuss things in detail.

If you want to build a team, treat everyone according to their needs and demands.

6. Appreciation and Rewards

It is necessary to be appreciative and grateful to your team. Try to remember their names. Appreciate them when they are achieving their goals and motivate them when they are not.

I used to keep a whiteboard with me. And every week, I would write positive words for each of my team members.

7. Celebrate their Success

Whenever they succeed in achieving something for you, show them that they have targeted that success. This will encourage them to work with their heart.

Celebrate the success and reward them for it. Extracurricular activities are a source of motivation and encouragement.

Actions Are Louder Than Words

Without a doubt, a leader can spread great vibes with their actions: silent language. Words and speaking skills influence people to listen to you, and actions influence them to follow you.

To be a great leader, you should focus on your actions as well. I wish you the best of luck in building a great team.

How Can You Use Silent Language for Positive Vibes?

If you have ideas about positive vibes that might be helpful to readers, share them in the comments section below. Thanks!

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About the author

Melissa Calvert

Melissa Calvert is known in her community due to her social work. She often organizes blood donation camps for the needy ones. Melissa is a socially active girl who is currently associated with KingEssay as a Social Science Analyst. She owns a website atAccuratecite.com.

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