7 Principles for Developing Quality Relationships

By Dr. Terry Jackson

Updated Over a Week Ago

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Relationships require effective listening and are imperative to the communication process. Providing feedback through mirroring and using open-ended questions also facilitates the communication process.

Communication is a shared responsibility.

Let’s take a look at what constitutes quality human relationships.

Every relationship is only as good as the people within it. Relationships between people are the main determining factor in the overall quality of their commonly shared reality.

The importance of quality relationships cuts across all barriers, real or perceived. In fact, the better the relationship quality, the fewer barriers there are with which to contend. Quality relationships are based upon seven principles.

1. Acceptance

I accept people for who they are, including myself. I consider all people unique and accept that as a positive rather than a source of frustration.

2. Respect

I treat all people, including myself, with respect on an adult level.  I do not resort to childish or emotional games. I do not manipulate myself or others. I respect others’ right to be who and what they are and do not try to change them.

3. Understanding

I have a clear understanding of myself and others. I make every attempt to appreciate and understand the differences that make each unique and special.

4.  Transparency

I am open and honest. I feel free enough to speak and act consistently with what I feel and believe. I do not put on airs or try to be anything other than the best “me” I can be. I allow and encourage others to be themselves and promote a feeling of openness in all my dealings with them. I do not permit my predisposition, prejudgment, or prejudices to stand in the way of open and harmonious relationships.

5. Non-judgment

I do not judge myself or others. I accept and practice the belief that we are all different and unique. I approach others with the attitude that there are more dimensions to a given situation than simply “right” or “wrong.” I expect and embrace these differences in perception as opportunities to learn.

6. Empowerment

I am self-empowered. I have conviction in my beliefs. I do not need or seek external strokes to determine my feelings or attitude. I also empower all those I come into contact with, respecting their individuality and encouraging their input. I am willing to admit I do not have all the answers.

7. Trust

I operate from a fundamental basis of honesty. This value permeates everything I do or say. I am honest with others and expect others to be honest with me. I proactively promote an environment that invites open discussion and differing points of view and have faith in the abilities and judgment of others, even when I sometimes do not agree.  I maintain confidentiality when others confide in me.

Developing effective relationships is the key to personal and organizational success. There is a lot of truth in the adage, “it is not what you know but who you know.” The seven principles mentioned above will facilitate the process of developing quality relationships.

How Can Leaders Develop Quality Relationships?

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About the author

Dr. Terry Jackson

Terry is Managing Partner for WEpiphany. Developing People is Terry’s purpose and passion. Terry brings 25 years of experience working for organizations and is also a certified Executive and Business Coach, and Sales Trainer.



  • Dr. Pamela Linden says:

    Being in the present moment with another, really attending to their communication on all levels is the greatest skill and the greatest gift. In that way, the relationship can build on expressed and understood values, such as your article describes. Relationships grow from values and valuing. And, communication happens only in relationships. Thanks for your article.

  • […] to be truthful and you want other people to be honest about themselves aswell. So that you can form solid relationships at whatever level you decide on, you should be able to trust others individual. This helps to […]

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