10 Essential Rules of Teamwork

By Idrees Shafiq

Updated Over a Week Ago

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Rules of teamwork: “Coming together is beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is a success.”

Henry Ford uttered these words to signify the importance of people coming together to coordinate a common goal. Success has always been more generous to humble team players and to the teams that honored each team member with respect.  

There is a saying, “One and one put together makes eleven.” This notion encases a worldly concept so simply that putting one beside one boosts the capability tenfold. A team of 2 is better than an individual, and a group of 3 can do much more than a team of 2. Rules of teamwork, team building, and teamwork are indispensable in human resource management.

The Rules of Teamwork

1. No One Can Do it All

Every individual is born with a gift. When someone is adept in one unique talent, they will likely be inept in other skills. A good photograph comes out through a collaborative effort from a photographer, a model, and an editor. A model can not shoot as vibrant as a cameraman. It’s a task for a camera operator to deliver immersive emotions in a pose.

A Chinese proverb states, “Behind an able man, there are always other able men.” All the marvelous achievements owe their success to teamwork, not individuality, because one is too small to achieve significance.

2. Team Before Individuals

A group of people working for a common cause can achieve a lot more in a single day than an individual can in a long time. Ego, insecurity, naivety, and temperament are the most prominent hurdles to being a good team player.

People think they are better than others and that asking for help is disgraceful. In the process, they can hurt their dignity as well as the reputation of the cohort. Teamwork ethics demands the discouragement of individuals and encouragement of collective appreciation. Michael Jordan once said, “Talent can win you games, but teamwork wins championships.” 

3. Keep the Goal in Focus

A group of people working tirelessly without a clear vision will end up nowhere. Morale will decline and will drain energy. Great leaders always keep reminding themselves and their teams of the bigger picture. Individual agendas fall second in successful organizations, and the greater good is a priority.

Estimate your situation, keep a check on your resources, assign roles according to the capabilities of the people, and remind them of the more significant landscape. 

Each individual has a distinct strength. To get the best out of their abilities, they must be applied where they suit best. Successful team builders have a knack to fit the individuals where their strength lies, hence yielding excellent results.

4. Identify the Strengths of Your Players

Rule of teamwork – finding the right people for the right job is fundamental for team success; e.g., Lionel Messi playing as a goalkeeper in FC Barcelona will be a disaster. Research prospect of successful teams provides magnificent ideas to make a group of people success driven.

5. Identify Team Weaknesses

It is a perception that the strength of a team is the most reliable people it has. But a team is as strong as its weakest link. A tool for assessment of an incompatible team member is three A’s:

  • Attitude: Bad attitude ruins the performance of a team  
  • Agenda: Personal agendas can halt the productivity of even an able member
  • Ability: Some people are incapable of growth and lack the ability for a task, they may be reshuffled or replaced

6. Keep Spirits High

Success is a long journey rather than a swift destination. At first, most teams look highly motivated. With time, energy drains out. Good leaders must inject a fresh dose of morale boosters now and then, keeping the team focused on the bigger picture. Effective ways for leaders to motivate their teams:

  • Show Trust
  • Praise good work
  • Give and receive feedback
  • Over-communicate
  • Show respect and empathy
Teamwork in Action

7. Appreciation and Credits

Keep in mind to make your team look good while appreciating the extra-mile efforts of a person. An excellent way to appreciate team members is to leave it up to the team by placing an autonomous reward system that empowers the whole team to recognize and appreciate the links which are doing an excellent job for the team.

8. Adding Enthusiasm

In his book 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork, John Maxwell quotes it as the “Law of Catalyst.” He wrote while describing people who add energy to the team, “When crunch time comes, a catalyst becomes critical, whether it’s the salesperson who hits the “impossible” goal, the ballplayer who makes the big play, or the parent who gets a child to believe in him- or herself at a critical moment in life. A team can’t reach big goals or even break new ground if it doesn’t have a catalyst.”

9. Critical Analysis of Progress

Analysis of progress is of utmost significance to make a project a success. A regular check on where the team collectively stands is practical. Analyze what went well, what went wrong, and how to improve.

Promote self-check and self-leadership qualities. Team dynamics have research prospects in identifying the loopholes. Set innovative goals and measure success.

10. Leadership

The difference between two equally able competitive teams comes down to leadership. A leader who is empathetic and smart while being a good team player is more likely to generate positive results and continuously revitalize the team’s morale, as opposed to a self-obsessed leader. Groups with great leaders always hold an edge over teams suffering from poor leadership.  

Teamwork and team building is a reasonably dynamic subject that varies from team to team. These general rules for teamwork can serve as guidelines for making a robust result-oriented team.

Which Rules of teamwork Are Essential?

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Idrees Shafiq
Idrees Shafiq
Idrees Shafiq is an SEO analyst with a diverse experience in the field of digital marketing particularly at the organic end. He is also an active tech enthusiast with a will to absorb and convey acquired knowledge to the world. In his leisure time, he enjoys indulging himself in a variety of exquisite cuisines for the sake of earthly fulfillment.
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