8 Tools to Help You Write Like a Leader

By Kenneth Waldman

Updated Over a Week Ago

Minute Read

Regardless of what industry or profession you are in, if you’re a leader, you’re a writer.

Think about it, how many emails have you sent today? How many internal memos have you drafted? What about creating a presentation for the board or the mission statement for your company?

Sloppy or ineffective writing in any of these instances can reflect poorly on your leadership abilities.

With the help of the tools listed here, there is no need to worry. Whether you’re giving the project to a professional or are building it from scratch by hand, I’ve gathered the best tools available to get the job done successfully.

8 Writing Tools

1. Hubspot’s Blog Topic Generator

Every strong message needs an equally strong title. Use this site to generate some titles to pick from or motivate you in the right direction to create your own.

2. SpellCheckPlus

A more sophisticated version of the spell checker is found in the standard word processing software.

3. Read-able

Ensure that your message can be clearly read by all recipients preventing any confusion or misunderstanding.

4. Hemingway App

Don’t drown your message in too many words. Say it the Hemingway and get your message across.

This search engine will allow you to find the latest trends on just about any topic, helping you keep your topics and information up-to-date.

6. BuzzSumo

Find out what content gets the best performance based on the topic you’re planning to cover.

7.  Canva

Don’t just write like a leader, design like one too, and make your writing stand out.

8. Infogra.me

A great way to show your vision in a highly approachable way.

Deepak Chopra, a widely respected Indian American author, and public speaker, once said that “enlightened leadership is spiritual if we understand spirituality not as some kind of religious dogma or ideology but as the domain of awareness where we experience values like truth, goodness, beauty, love, and compassion, and also intuition, creativity, insight and focused attention.”

I find it interesting that Mr. Chopra speaks about “creativity, insight, and focused attention” in his message. If you look at the ten tools that are available to you in this article, you will see that, in one way or another, they fit into one of these three values that denote an enlightened leader. They raise your potential, and that gives you the ability to raise the potential of others around you.

Imagine now the power of your words. Your own mental projections are displayed on a page in harmonious wonder, and it’s those words, your words, that land the big contract, motivate the work floor out of a slump, or drive sales through the roof. The power of these 11 tools and the confidence that made you a leader will drive your success and the success of those around you to heights you never imagined possible.

Do You Write Like a Leader?

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About the author

Kenneth Waldman

Kenneth Waldman is a passionate freelance writer, digital journalist and content creator who provides his services through different platforms. Majoring in English Language and Literature, he believes the power of words can change the world for the better. Kenneth draws his inspiration out of the traveling and sports. Get in touch with him on Linkedin.

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