Revolutionizing Higher Education

By Tripti Rai

Updated Over a Week Ago

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Revolutionizing Higher Education with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) has come into existence because of the need for cost-effective education to go global in real-time.

With the world economy shifting every day, it’s important for students to find a medium through which they can avail the privilege of a full course, affordability.

The need for getting educated cost-effectively and with equal efficiency gave birth to Massive Open Online Courses in the world.

MOOC is Revolutionizing Higher Education

In the traditional education system of the world, the cost of getting enrolled in a course was considerably high leading to few students showing interest.

The quality, of course, providers were limited geographically. The courses that were provided were limited to a fixed time zone, giving less priority to real-time studies.

In the present time, various renowned colleges provide MOOC to attract students from over the world.

The perks of this system for students are that they get to study courses under the guidance of subject matter experts at a much lower cost as compared to a regular course, and they also get an opportunity to receive information in real time.

What is MOOC?

Massive Open Online Course is an online course that is aimed at limitless participation and open access through the internet.

These courses are mostly complementary to the traditional learning style; they use modes like videos, audio, case studies, etc., to impart learning.

There was a time when MOOC advocated connectivity and open licensing, while they have restricted the open license factor to prevent plagiarism, and they have kept the connectivity factor functional.

How MOOC has Revolutionized Higher Education

In addition to what MOOC has done for students opting for them, it has also created a breakthrough for the universities offering them.

The advantages universities derive from giving MOOCs are countless; they get not only recognition but also funds that can be used elsewhere.

In addition to providing goodwill and cost benefits, other advantages of MOOCs provide:

1. Increased Professor Recognition

With bigger classes of students belonging to many different regions of the world, in addition to the growing technological industry, faculties involved in MOOCs will get a chance to become better known and respected.

2. Revenue Potential

Even as MOOCs are mostly free of cost to register and participate, colleges could get in revenues from the large classes by giving out certifications and tie-ups with different universities.

3. Worldwide Recognition

The international recognition universities derive from providing MOOCs are good enough for increased reputation and an opportunity to become popular at a very low cost and effort.

4. A Large Audience

Through MOOCs, universities get a large audience to promote their course or create awareness about a global issue in one place.

Benefits of MOOC for Students:

MOOC has witnessed multiple benefits that students have derived from its emergence:

  1. They get to interact with experts and peers in real-time
  2. They get to learn new courses in a cost-effective medium
  3. They use the courses as extra help when they don’t want to do the full course
  4. They get knowledge from professionals having wide knowledge and from a reputed college.
  5. They get to add the college names to their resume or CV
  6. In some cases, they get to attend the course at a time they are comfortable with
  7. They receive certifications or degrees at the end of the course.
  8. It gives them research ideas for their future projects

The benefits of MOOC are immense and range from gaining extra knowledge to getting new knowledge that is also easy on the pocket.

Cost and Benefits Ratio of Adopting MOOC

The cost that is involved in implementing a MOOC course in terms of technologies, manpower, advertisements, etc., is very low when the long-term benefits in terms of revenue potential, advertisement, and reputation are measured.

The world is going internet. More than half of the universities of the world are providing MOOC, and the ones left behind have a lot of thinking to do in terms of survival and cost/benefit ratios.

What Revolutionizes Higher Education?

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About the author

Tripti Rai

Tripti is a professional writer, blogger, and an avid reader, who enjoys writing about a variety of topics. Her work ranges from articles on education to property and employment. You can email her on [email protected] and connect with her on twitter @itripti.

  • I think MOOC has a great impact on overall level of education. Especially for those who not students already (or yet), it gives such people a chance to get educated in a remote way. That education may not result in getting a well-recognized graduation diploma or anything like that, but it will have an enlighten impact on people willing to get more knowledge for themselves, not just for recognition.

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