Leaders Invest in Self-Development by Reading

By Greg Martin

Updated Over a Week Ago

Minute Read

Leaders work on self-development to become better and challenge themselves to learn as much as they can on their journey to being the best. One simple avenue of self-development is to read books.

Leaders Are Learners

I have had discussions with people who wanted to become better leaders that understood they needed to grow. The consistent problem surfaced as they were not willing to do what it took to develop their leadership skill set.

As a leader, I read at least 30-45 minutes a day. I do not read because I feel I have to, but I have found that I enjoy it, which has not always been the case. My reading preferences include nonfiction topics related to leadership, self-development, business, and history.

If you are not a routine reader and would like to start reading more, I would encourage you to find books on topics you enjoy or that you’re passionate about.

Reading Adds to the Bottom Line

Without question, one way to learn more is to read. I believe some people may avoid self-development topics as they may stir feelings of inadequacy. My experience has been that daily reading has helped me to become a better person, both personally and professionally.

According to a number of studies, business professionals who read at least seven leadership, business, or self-development books a year earn 2.3 times more than those who read only one per year.

This is mainly because those who read are exposed to new ideas, best practices, and nuggets of information that others have experienced success with. These books can be on a specific subject or a combination that a total of seven books read.

Reading a Good Book

How Reading Helps

Reading helps leaders with self-development and innovation and provides insight into dealing with difficult situations and in managing change. Reading is a great way to exercise your mind, and the more you read, the more you enhance your written and verbal communication skills in the process. My experience is that reading also helps improve your self-image, attitude, and memory.

However, if you do not put into practice anything you read, it will not be of any benefit in helping you become a better role model, leader, employee, parent, or person.

All Leaders Are Readers

President Harry S. Truman was an avid reader. He read every book in the library named after him in his hometown of Independence, MO, before he died in 1972. Before meeting with a leader from a different country, he would find something they found appealing or a hobby they enjoyed doing.

President Truman would then read about their pastime or hobby before they met. This allowed him to have knowledge about an interest his counterpart had, which in turn helped him build relationships with other leaders.

Reading is Cost Effective

Seek out your local library and check out books. They have staff that will show you the many different ways you can check out a book. There are even systems in place where you can check out any book in the world.

In today’s age of technology, you can purchase or check out new or used books on various websites. I have purchased numerous used books online that have been in great condition. Some have even provided great notes that the previous owner had written in the book. Some of their remarks were very profound.

If you do purchase a used book online, ensure to do your homework or only purchase with a credible business like Amazon or Barnes & Noble. I have also found used books that were in good condition at Goodwill, Salvation Army, and the Disabled American Veterans stores that were very affordable.

iBook, Kindle, or Nook, just as with printed books, are affordable and a bountiful resource. Several libraries have a growing collection of more than a thousand e-books that you can download and transfer to your e-reader. Check with your local library to discover what is needed to check out a book online.

Reading and Team Development

Reading and Team Development

The best way to learn something is to read it, teach it, and then practice what you have learned. It is a great way to start an employee development program, which is economical if you or your team read and discuss one self-development book per month for one year, which correlates to 12 books annually and 60 books over a five-year time span.

By adopting some of the strategies or, at minimum, allowing discussion, your organization will have an advantage over others and will encourage dialogue among your team.

This practice has been found to be effective with some investment of time, money, and self-discipline, yet fiscally responsible for many agencies with declining or eliminated training budgets.

Reading by Example

In order to be a leader, people must follow you. Otherwise, you’re just out for a walk.  A key way to influence others is to “walk the talk” or to “lead by example.” My children enjoy reading, as well as being read to by my wife or myself. My 9-year-old daughter, who likes to read, continues to excel in this area and expands her growing vocabulary.

My wife and I have made it a priority to set an example for our children as to the importance of reading by consistently reading in their presence. Our children frequently see my wife and me reading books, newspapers, magazines, electronic books, school papers, and anything else we may find interesting.

It is our hope that if we model this behavior, we will instill the importance of reading and continual learning in our children as they grow up.

Give Your Kid a Head Start

My daughter earns money from us by reading books, which is an added incentive to promote reading. She is able to earn between $1.00 – $5.00 per book, dependent upon her effort.

To earn a profit from reading, she is required to read books at or above her reading level, prepare a one-page book report, and give a one to three-minute oral book report in her own words.

This strategy promotes reading by providing a venue for her to earn money while enhancing reading comprehension skills. It also improves writing skills and confidence in public speaking and presentation.

Reading is truly fundamental and a gift. Regardless, if you read for self-improvement or leisure, I would encourage you to pick up a book instead of spending time watching television, surfing the web, or playing video games. It’s a good hobby that will not only benefit you but can be transferred to others you lead.

What Self-Development Books Do You Recommend?

If you have ideas about self-development that might be helpful to readers, share them in the comments section below. Thanks!

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About the author

Greg Martin

Greg works for Sedgwick County Department of Corrections and owns Martin Leadership & Management Development. He is a U.S. Army veteran & holds a MS in Leadership and Management from Friends University.

  • Tim Cummuta says:

    Great article Greg. I have been an avid reader all of my adult life. It has paid dividend after dividend. Leaders should become lifelong learners and there is no more cost effective means than by reading. Technologies continue to make it easier and easier to learn as you have demonstrated. I do training every week with my staff through these technologies. Some of the best training is available inexpensively now such as AboutLeaders.com. More people need to continue to take advantage of these great tools.

  • Ron Whitaker says:

    Impressive article, Greg! Most impressive is how you are showing your daughter, by example and incentive, the importance of gaining knowledge and building vocabulary.

    I too love to read books on a wide variety of subjects; fiction, political, leadership, business, etc. and highly recommend Kindles and iPads because of easy and immediate access to most any book you’re looking for. The bonus is digital books are usually much cheaper than hardbacks.

    I read 70+ books per year and love my iPad (owned 3 kindles and 2 iPads so far). I just browse Amazon for the best book on the subject I’m interested in and a minute later I’m reading it.

  • Greg Martin says:

    Tim – Thank you for the great feedback and a great job on using technology to grow and develop your team. If most of your employees are Gen Y, I can bet they are really enjoying this way of teaching.

  • Greg Martin says:

    Ron – Thank you for your feedback. Technology has made it almost too easy for us. As leaders and parents it is important we build a foundation of knowledge that will help us create our future and make our vision come to life for ourselves and others. The use of technology and reading can help us do that if we take advantage of it.

  • Robert Buchanan says:

    This is an incredibly important aspect in the realm of leadership!! If an individual would read a good book on whatever subject they are interested in at least every month they could easily cover the requirements in most masters’ degree programs within a couple of years.
    How powerful is that?
    And for leaders it is critical that, as said earlier, they become lifetime learners. I think this is obvious but one example is how to deal with the multi-generational workforce.
    You did a great job addressing this aspect of leadership and the values!

  • Leaders are readers! Loved your post. It is so true about getting our children to fall in love with reading. This will prepare them for the challenges of leadership they may find themsleves in when adults, and there will always be challenges. And I can promise they will never come back to us as their parents and say “All that reading you made me do was a total waste”. Reading is one of the best investments anyone can make in themselves.

  • Robert & Jon, Thank you for your comments and support on this topic. You both make very good points and understand the ROI when you read.

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