Career Change, Mindset Change

By Richard McMunn

Updated Over a Week Ago

Minute Read

For many people, a career change is the beginning of a new chapter in their life.

People often show up to work on their first day full of optimism (if not a little nervous) and believing anything is possible.

You can imagine yourself helping to make positive changes in your company, you imagine the worthwhile contributions that you’ll be remembered for, and you imagine the day that you’ll no doubt be promoted in recognition of your work ethic and value to the business.

Career Change

While things rarely go according to every detail of the plan, many employees grow into their career change nicely, take pride in their job, and are able to progress.

For others, however, the slow realization that change is difficult in a risk-averse company and that the chances to make a meaningful contribution are slim is a bitter pill to swallow.

As for a promotion? You’re expected to feel lucky that you’re even getting a pay rise.

If you find yourself in this situation, you have two options – look for a new job or find a way to make your current job more rewarding.

If you’ve been in an environment that has started to make you feel as if you’re trapped or not good enough to have anything better, this could be difficult.

You’ll need a change of mindset if you’re going to sort out your job issues, but that’s often easier said than done.

Here are just a few tips that can help change your mindset giving you a totally different outlook on life and allowing you to get what you want from work:

Take a Break

If all you can think about is how miserable you are at work, you’re in need of a break.

Use up any holiday days you’ve stored to get away from the office and distract your mind. By clearing your mind of the worries that you mull over on a daily basis, you’ll find that when you return to these problems, you should start thinking of new solutions.

Get Fit

There are numerous studies that have shown how physical activity makes you feel better.

People that stay active are less likely to be depressed and more likely to sleep well at night.

Make a deliberate effort to give your body a bit of a workout, and your mind will soon feel better for it as well; as your body feels like it is capable of doing more and pushing itself further, so will your mind.

Start with Small Changes

You might feel like your life needs a massive overhaul, i.e., career change, but for many people, the best way to make a significant change in their life is by focusing on smaller things.

For example, changing your diet so that you’re eating more healthily will make you feel as if you’re taking care of yourself more.

Inevitably, you’ll begin to feel more valuable, and you’ll begin to demand that others also recognize the value you have.

Change How You Think About Failure

If you’ve struggled at work, you might have started thinking about yourself as a bit of a failure – this can lead to feelings of worthlessness and even depression.

Before things get that bad, you need to recognize a couple of things. Firstly, you’re most likely too hard on yourself. Secondly, and more importantly, any failure provides you with a chance to learn.

Learn from your failures, whether they’re big or small, and promise yourself that they have made you a better, more experienced worker.

How Do You Think About Change?

If you have ideas you feel like sharing that might be helpful to readers, share them in the comments section below. Thanks!

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Richard McMunn
Richard McMunn
Richard McMunn, runs the leading career website How2Become. His aim is to help as many people as possible pass the recruitment process they are applying for to secure the job they have always wanted. The site offers a wide range of books and training courses for those who want to ensure they are fully prepared. You can also connect with Richard on YouTube.
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