5 Steps to Building a Leadership Dynasty

By David McCuistion

Updated Over a Week Ago

Minute Read

As I reflect upon the “Roll Tide” leadership dynasty that is rising throughout Alabama, I am reminded of my own coaching successes and some of the foundational ideas of leadership and organizational sustainability.

Several words are being thrown around in the sports media that speak to the long-term growth of Alabama Football — “Dynasty” and “Legend”, each of which brings to mind leadership legacy.

Alabama coach Nick Saban, in post-game and season interviews, outlined several of the factors that have contributed to the Alabama Dynasty, not just during his era at Alabama but over the years going back to Paul “Bear” Bryant in the 1950s.

As I listened to him after the game, in his “Gatorade” soaked shirt, and during his next-day news conference, I thought about the leadership required to build a dynamic, sustainable program in any arena.

Building a Leadership Dynasty

There is a foundational ideal around which any successful program is built that becomes the character, the heart, of the organization.

It is based on the moral authority of the primary leaders, the CEO, Head Coach, President, etc., which becomes the standard of ethics for the organization.

The leader models acceptable behaviors for everyone, inside and outside the organization, thereby dictating the value system that must be accepted and incorporated into the personal value system of employees.

People and other organizations observe these traits in the daily operation of not only the organization as a whole but also in the performance and behaviors of the team members.

Furthermore, leadership holds everyone accountable to these standards, taking necessary corrective action when necessary that upholds the standard.

Coach Saban exhibited his leadership by sending two players home a day after the team’s arrival in Miami because they failed to adhere to an acceptable organizational standard of conduct.

By doing so, he reinforced the team’s expectations and enhanced his respect level, which inspired trust and confidence in his leadership. Coach Saban referred to his action as it related to the “program” of the organization.

Organizational Vision

Leadership establishes a vision of the organization, not the primary leader’s vision, but the vision of the organization.

The primary leadership — Coach, Trustees, shareholder expectations, etc. – collaboratively says, “This is how we want to be perceived outside the company.”

The collaboration continues down through the organization to establish buy-in and build the vision into the core of everyone in the organization.

Southwest Airlines’ vision of low airfares, flight safety, and better Customer Service than anyone else with on-time flights has not changed since its inception in the 1970s.

As Colleen Barrett, CEO of Emirates of Southwest Airlines, says, we are a Customer Service company; we just happen to fly airplanes.

The vision of Alabama Football, which reflects the University’s vision, states, “A Tradition of Champions – A Future of Leaders.” Everything they do, on and off the field, directly relates to their vision.

A strong, value-laden vision is crucial to success and sustainability.

Learning Organization

There are five qualities of a successful learning organization: Standards; Instruction; Practice; Feedback; and Release.

Obviously, these apply to Universities and competitive teams of all types. It can also be applied to all organizations such as well — Corporations, Companies, Religious, Community Service, Youth, etc.

Leadership for long-term sustainability and success also needs to follow this line of reasoning.

  • Standards – unarguably a foundational attribute for structure, teamwork, commitment, and performance.
  • Instruction – life-long learning is a requirement for personal and organizational growth to prevent stagnation and decline. Change management is necessary to maintain viability in economic terms. Likewise, leadership training is essential for leader growth.
  • Practice – expertise requires practice. All teams require practice, whether it be for equipment operation, competition, emergencies, or new procedures.
  • Feedback – helps improve performance and growth. Employee feedback improves procedures for competing tasks. Feedback is essential to prevent mistakes that are costly to the organization. Employee mentoring is a form of feedback and affects several aspects of organizational performance.
  • Release – empowering employees to make decisions relevant to their position in the workplace improves confidence, teamwork, and individual leadership. Alabama Football’s vision reflects this aspect of the learning organization.


Greenleaf called foresight “The Central Ethic of Leadership” and that it is “the lead the leader has.” For Alabama football, this is evident in their recruiting program. Leaders must also exhibit systematic foresight to stay ahead technologically in the marketplace, fulfilling customer and employee needs and implementing the almost daily change requirements to remain at the forefront of their business world.

Dynasties are built by leaders who maintain the foundational character of the organization; who keep the vision alive to both the organization and to those who are on the outside looking in; who create a learning environment that is passed on from generation to generation; and who visualize with a systematic foresight of the future.

Changing when necessary, updating the system and employees with the required training and instruction, and maintaining an open line of communication up to and down the organizational structure.

  • Dynasties have Immense PRIDE – a Personal Responsibility To Developing Excellence.
  • Likewise, Leaders Demonstrate PRIDE – a Persona’s Responsibility In Developing Everyone.
  • Furthermore, Leadership Builds PRIDE – a Personal Responsibility In Developing Ethics.

The future leaders they develop will live the ethical value system embedded in them from their association with the organization, who in turn develop leaders, and so on.

How Can You Build a Leadership Dynasty?

If you have ideas that you feel like sharing that might be helpful to readers, share them in the comments section below. Thanks!

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About the author

David McCuistion

David is a retired Naval Officer with extensive leadership and management experience including Officer-in-Charge of a major communication facility, in secondary education teaching leadership, and over five years public speaking on Servant Leadership and organizational development topics.

  • Angel Aguilar says:

    Superb article!!! Easy to read, examples well related and introduced. Magnificently developed the subject; in one term the congruence of a leader with the organisational culture fostering excellence & creating value.

  • Totally agree with the points of Leadership for long term sustainability. Whether it’s about a small virtual group or large organization, leaders and managers play an important role in communicating where the organization is headed and what employees need to do to support it. I believe that Davis & Company provides quality guidelines on leadership communications. I also agree with highlighted 5 qualities of a learning organization. Standards; Instruction; Practice; Feedback; and Release. These qualities make sense that should be the vocation of each Company.

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