5 Habits for Great Leaders

By Christabel Khumalo

Updated Over a Week Ago

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Some believe great leaders are born, and some believe they are made. Wherever you stand in that great debate, these five habits will work for all types of leaders.

Getting in the habit of doing something effective produces efficiency. It’s no wonder some of the greatest leaders had some of the most interesting habits.

Here are five habits that will take your leadership to the next level.

1. Write it Down

My greatest ideas are born between 4:00 AM – 8:00 AM. Sometimes I’ll be half asleep or fast asleep – the first thing I do is wake up and write it down. Now, this is not to advise you to wake up at dawn; this is just a practical example of what writing thoughts and ideas down means for me.

Whenever you have an idea, whether the idea is attainable today or five years from now, whether it’s too large for your resources, whether it’s complex and unrelatable, write it down.

Keeping a journal handy for your thoughts allows you the ability to revisit those thoughts. You would be surprised at the number of tangible ideas you have that you could implement today or in the future.

Your mind is full of some of the best-kept secrets, and sometimes they will always remain a secret if you keep them hidden.

2. Read, Read, Read

Don’t like reading books? That’s fine; maybe you prefer reading short stories or articles. Either way, keeping informed is a habit all leaders should harness.

The purpose of reading and learning what is out there is not to have the answer to all questions. It’s a number of things put together:

  • Raises awareness
  • Stimulates your mind
  • Gives you a new perspective

3. Personal Mission Statement

What is your personal mission statement? If someone had asked me that question a few years ago, I probably would’ve rambled on, bouncing off of some powerful mission statements I have heard in the past. This is a unique habit to get into.

Having a personal mission statement cultivates your uniqueness. It is founded on who you are as a person, not a leader or any corporate label you’ve been stuck with.

This is a time to reflect on what you value and what you stand for as an individual. Being able to do that will enable you, as a leader, to strive for something that will benefit you and your followers as well.

4. Challenge Yourself

How often do you find yourself in a room full of icons? As leaders, you’re most likely trying to answer questions or solve problems. And you end up forgetting to challenge yourself by surrounding yourself with people you admire and look up to.

There are opportunities for growth when you sit and talk with people you aspire to be, people who align with your personal mission statement.

Challenging yourself can also take on the form of trying something that you have never tried before. Stepping away from activities you excel at and into those that you might possibly fail at gives you the opportunity to have a practical personal development lesson.

I bought a sewing machine about a year ago. I had never sewn in my life. After watching a few YouTube videos – I took on the challenge.

I sewed two skirts for my daughters. They were flawed, but I was very happy. There were lessons that I learned from that experience that I couldn’t have learned otherwise.

Yes, I already knew that sewing takes skill and patience. But having that practical experience gave me a new perspective.

Challenging yourself will keep you grounded and enable you to gain new perspectives.

5. Dream

This is my favorite. Your followers look to you to see the impossible become a possibility. If you, as a leader, cease to dream of the impossible, who will see the possibilities? For this last habit, I’ll leave you with a quote:

“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.”

-Langston Hughes

What Habits Do Great Leaders Have?

If you have ideas you feel like sharing that might be helpful to readers, share them in the comments section below. Thanks!

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About the author

Christabel Khumalo

Christabel is a business consultant with a diverse entrepreneurial background. Her Commerce education in Financial Services & MBA in Global Leadership enables her to help clients globally. A life-learner living in Beaumont, AB – Canada, when she’s not busy building her career, you’ll find her behind her Nikon camera lens & travelling the world with her husband & two daughters.

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