To deal with negative thoughts, we need to mentally prepare. So first, let’s accept the fact that it is not possible to avoid negative thoughts completely.
Negative thoughts are the result of our insecurities in life. We cannot avoid negative thoughts, but we can learn to deal with them effectively.
Reasons for negative thoughts vary from person to person.
For some people, it is because of their past failures. For others, it is because they have never tried it before. And some cannot afford failures because they have responsibilities to meet after.
One thing is clear: the root of negative thoughts is usually a lack of confidence.
Negative thoughts harm your body like a disease. But with continuous effort and willpower, you can fight it and regain happiness.
1. Identify the Cause
To treat a disease, you must be aware of its cause first. The same thing applies here. To deal with negative thoughts, you need to identify the root cause.
Whenever you feel like failing at anything, eliminate that feeling there only. Practice until the chances of your failure reduce to less than 50%. When you are confident enough, your mind avoids negative thinking itself.
Sometimes we get negative thoughts because of our bad experiences in the past. Start fresh with every opportunity. Don’t hold your past against you; live in the present, and focus on the future.
You are not the same person from the past anymore; you have evolved with time, and you are a far better person this time that will not repeat the same mistake again. Get rid of your past bad experiences and start fresh and new.
2. Stay Away from Negative People
Negative people are those people who will find a problem with every situation and solution. Avoid them when possible. These people will often implant the seeds of negative thoughts without you realizing it.
They’ll tell you that you can’t do anything because they can’t do it. They can shake your self-confidence and point out your insecurities. Avoid this mentality. Every individual is different. If someone else fails, it does not mean you will too.
These are people who rarely succeed and want to make sure others won’t as well. Don’t listen to them. If they list out five reasons why you can’t do something, list ten reasons why you can. Counter-attack their mentality.
3. Stop Comparing Yourself
Most of us compare ourselves to other people we think are better than us and get depressed thinking about their success. We feel like we are far behind and can never reach the position where they’re in now.
We have to understand that we all have different timelines. Stop comparing yourself with others, particularly with celebrities, politicians, and other well-known figures. You’ll likely get what you deserve when your time comes.
Instead of focusing on another person’s success, focus on your own work and goals. Don’t try to copy others. Learn from them and keep working on yourself.
Don’t be jealous of competition. Indulge in a healthy competition that will help you grow and become a better version of yourself.
4. Never Be Afraid of Trying
We are all afraid of trying new things because we have a fear of losing. Most people simply accept their fate: that success is not for them, and they can’t make it there. It is for people who are already there, and we are nowhere in the race.
People fail to understand that people who are successful now didn’t start off successful. They’re people, just like you. They never gave up, and they struggled to make it to where they are today.
One reason for negative thoughts is that you keep thinking about something but never take action because these thoughts won’t let you.
Never be afraid of trying. When you start something, you don’t have expectations to fulfill and you have nothing to lose. Trying should be the only option for you.
5. Think About Things You’re Proud Of
Whenever you feel like negative thoughts are surrounding you, think about the good times in your life. A time when you feel proud of yourself.
Think about a time when you were really happy. This activity will help you to divert your mind from negative thoughts and restore confidence.
6. Talk to Friends
When we are dealing with negative thoughts, the most common reaction is to isolate ourselves from the outer world. But if you really want to deal with negative thoughts, then do the opposite.
Call or, if possible, meet your best friends. Spend time with them and have fun. Visit your favorite hangout place together or watch a movie.
This will make your mind fresh, and your negative thoughts will vanish. Start fresh and analyze all your problems from a different angle, and find a solution for them this time.
7. Give Yourself a Break
Most of the time, the origin of negative thoughts is overthinking a scenario or situation. Sometimes the situation is not as bad as we thought, but we make it worse by overthinking it.
If you want to deal with negative thoughts, give yourself a break from the chaos. Go for a vacation or focus on other things in life.
When you give yourself time, you will realize the problem was not that big initially. It was you who made it bigger by overthinking about it.
Whenever you fall for negative thoughts next time, understand that this is not going to help. Problems can be solved more easily when your mind is calm.
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