Love and Leadership

By Angela Kambouris

Updated Over a Week Ago

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Imagine a world where people bring more meaning to their life through work. They feel more valued and connected to living their life purpose. Imagine a world like that.

What’s Love Got to Do With It? Stepping Into a Truly Human Leader

They say it only exists in fairy tales. I say we have the opportunity to create environments where we harness the universal law that every human being is predestined to greatness. Those leaders are responsible for facilitating people, realizing and unlocking their human potential.

Lead So People Can Grow

Our responsibility to people is a gift that has been entrusted to us as leaders by the families of our people. We have a responsibility to lead and influence people to develop and share their gifts so they can grow to their human potential and pay it forward.

When we look at businesses across the world, we see charitable donations given with the absolute good intention to give back. Yet we sacrifice our own people. We lose sight of the limitless possibilities in supporting our own people.

Take the first step. Give back to one person and see the ripples. Try it not to gain but to live with the full intent of stepping into a truly human leader.

The well-being and development of every person in your business are paramount. Your responsibility as a leader is to send your staff home safe, healthy, and fulfilled. To live a life of meaning and purpose. Inspire every person to be their best self.

Leading With Love

Every single person wants to contribute. Big or small, they want to make a difference. We need to trust them, we need to nurture them, and we need to celebrate them. What if l said something outrageous like, “What business needs is to lead with love”.

Yep, you heard me! Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Yet it is such a foreign concept when we talk about business.

Businesses can change the world if they wholeheartedly embrace responsibility for the lives entrusted to them. Nurture, deepen, and sustain those relationships through recognition and celebration.

I’m not talking about celebrating every bottom line or productivity within the business. I’m talking about when kindness is displayed. When values are lived and breathed, and are the hiring and firing within a business. We then should reward people who emotionally invest in the culture.

Recognize and Celebrate Kindness

Celebrate the goodness and kindness of people. Let it be the defining element in the culture. Observe when kindness trumps misery, goodness trumps nonsense gossip, and the success of all becomes the benchmark.

When you awaken a leader’s deepest sense of right and responsibility, you awaken the Loch Ness monster from the deep seas to rise. This creates a unique business that drives responsibility for all.

When you lead with the human spirit, you close the gap between achievement and fulfillment. Is that not the greatest gift to give to the world?

How Do You Lead With Love?

If you have ideas that you feel like sharing that might be helpful to readers, share them in the comments section below. Thanks!

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About the author

Angela Kambouris

As a global consultant, trainer and mentor, Ange shows people how to unlock their human potential, connect people back to their internal power, and maximize results by leveraging their strengths. Self-leadership is the master key for aligning success in business, career and life.

  • Absolutely agree with Angela.Love and Leadership should go in can only bring people together and make them to understand all possibilities of humanity.Love should also have a servant leadership qualities.

    • Thank you. If people embraced their servant leadership qualities, the door of possibility would open even a little more. Imagine a world like that!

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